Thursday 26 July 2012

How toKnow if Your Aluminium Windows and Doors Need Maintenance

The biggest benefit with aluminium windows and doors is that they are not much demanding about their maintenance. Most people therefore don’t pay much attention to them after once they are installed. If you follow the same trend, you are actually reducing their life. It is true that aluminium windows and doors need less maintenance, but that doesn’t mean they will run smooth without any care. Though there is no specific time frame to be followed, but you can do it periodically or whenever you feel there is a need. Now, how will you know when your windows and doors are craving for maintenance? Well, here are few symptoms that indicate that this is the right time.

When the surface accumulates dirt. Frequency, with which the surface will accumulate dirt or other environmental deposits, solely depends on where your house is located. Industrial or geothermal areas are more likely get dirt.

When doors and windows turn stiff. This is quite common for fixtures which are not used frequently. They become stiff and cause friction when opened or closed, and often result into creepy noise.

When locks turn harder to use. When doors and windows not used for prolonged time or locks not being used too frequently, the function of bolts and latches is hindered by dirt and grit that build up over a course of time. The deposits make the keys harder to turn.

When bifolding fittings turn stiff. The culprit can be debris accumulated in the track, brush piles or drain holes in the lower frame. When tracks are not cleaned up with vacuum cleaner on regular basis, dirt and other tiny tings get stuck in the track causing hindrance in the path of roller.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Applying wall covering in six easy steps

If you are planning to cover your wall with wall coverings yourself, to save some bucks then you need to know the best yet easiest ways to do it. Following the process in steps can ease off much of your job. Use these handy tips to carry out your internal wall covering job in the easiest possible way.
1.    The very first step is to prepare your wall to apply the paper smoothly and evenly. Make sure you clear out every single bit of stain before you start up your work. For best clean walls, wash it off with plain water and sponge, use detergent if needed.
2.    Next, cut your wall paper leaving some extra edges. This will allow you start wall covering in a sequence and will be helpful too if anything else is being used other than just wall covering.
3.    Make a paste to glue the papers on the wall. If you have bought ready made glue, you simply need to mix water with the mixture as directed. Or else if you are making it by your own, mix alum and floor in a bowl placed on flame, stir and add water regular interval to make a thick paste. After it cools mix few drops of clove oil.  Mixture it ready.
4.    In this step you simply need to spread glue at the back of the wall paper and apply evenly using large paint brush. Apply with soft hand so that the paper doesn’t get damage. For safety, fold the printed side inward.
5.    Now comes the hanging part. Start hanging wallpapers from the middle of the wall. Mark the point from where you started, because this should be your ending point too. First hang the top of the paper then the rest of the part.
6.    Touch up the finishing part by smoothing out the areas where you spot lumps. Trim off the extra part of the wall paper from the bottom using a ruler.